Admissions statement

We welcome learners from across Kent and the surrounding boroughs

The Board of Trustees for The Oaks Specialist College has delegated the responsibility and accountability for all learner admissions to the leadership and management of the College.

If you have achieved grade 3, or above, at GSCE level in either Maths or English Language, The Oaks will not be able to offer a study programme

Learners must also have a current Education, Health and Care Plan.

The key principle is that each of our learners are unique individuals.

There are no other fixed or overarching admissions criteria – the leadership and staff of the College make decisions based upon their assessment of the College’s ability to meet individual needs. This is balanced against the needs of all learners in the College, and the likelihood of the College offer enabling learners to learn and to make educational and personal progress that is of significant benefit to the learner and to wider society.

The decision of the College leaders is final and there is no right of appeal.

Attendance Statement

At The Oaks we expect full attendance from our learners. If they are too unwell to attend College please inform us by 9:00am on each day of absence by calling the office number on 01732 207950, or by emailing We ask you to do this so we know our learners are safe.

Although staff will encourage learners to attend College whenever possible, they are not permitted to enforce attendance should a learner feel too poorly or refuse to attend. However, persistent unauthorised absences will be monitored closely and followed up in line with our contractual responsibilities to fee paying Local Authorities.  

If a learner becomes ill whilst at College and it is agreed by staff and the learner that they should go home, it is the parent/carer’s responsibility to collect the learner in a timely manner.

Arrange to visit us

A group of learners and a staff member, in a classroom setting, listening intently
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